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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 2025
Working With Other Clubs
Members of
Dorset Land Rover Club | HBRO |
New Forest & Solent Area Series 2 Club | Shire Land Rover Club |
Thames Valley 4x4 | Wessex 4x4 Response |
can join us on all Playday events by showing a current membership card from their own club. This will allow them entry to the event for the same cost as SADLRC members.
The only exception is to events that are FREE to SADLRC members, although discount entry can be arranged.
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 5971
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a member to attend club events?
Club events are for members only. Membership is £25 to join, £20 to renew each year. This can be done on-line through here. Visitors can come to our monthly social to meet members to see if they like the club before deciding to join.
Can I join on the day?
Green lanes have to be booked in advance on the forum, via text message to the communications phone number, via Facebook, or with the green lane organizer directly (eg at a club social). You will need to be a member before your place is reserved.
Some playsites have limited numbers, so not booking in advance could mean that you get turned away because we are full. Other playsites are large, so turning up and joining on the day is fine.
How do I book in for an event?
All information about events, along with the booking most easily happens on our forum. You need to register, then just post a message. Members also get regular email and text message updates about events. You can also book by replying to these messages (remember your full name in text messages), via Facebook, or contacting the event organizer direct (eg at a club social).
I am thinking of joining the club. What do you do?
As a club, we have 4 main activities:
1. We meet up on the first Tuesday of every month at the Vine Inn, Romsey Road, Ower, Romsey, SO51 6ZJ.. There is a 15 -20 min piece from the chairman and the events and green lane officers about what is happening and going on, followed by a quiz and raffle. There is the chance to meet other members and chat, as well as talk to people about events and generally Land Rover stuff.
2. We have a playday event nearly every month, where we hire out an off road site where members can drive around areas of different levels of challenge. There are places where the highly modified vehicles can get stuck, but also places where standard commute to work type vehicles can drive around without any major risk of damage.
3. We have at least one, and often more, green lane event each month. We drive local (and sometimes further away) byways and UCRs, taking us through the countryside with scenic views. If the lanes are likely to cause damage to your vehicle, this will be notified in advance. Some of the lanes can be a bit overgrown, so showroom vehicles are not recommended unless you have shares in T-Cut (other paint restoring products available!).
Sometimes, green lanes are done at night. Sometimes they are just for half a day. Most events are on a Sunday, but we also have done some Saturday stuff and some Bank Holiday stuff.
4. Camping trips. These are usually green lane trips, where we camp for a weekend or for a week. We currently run a Devon camping weekend every May, and a Wales camping week every August.
All events are posted on the forum, where details a reguarly updated.
We drive for the pleasure of things, obey the law and take a dim view of people who of-road without following this. We do not take part in any competition, except our annual duck race – a competition where the aim is to get your plastic duck down the river as quickly as possible. We also have a skittles night once or twice a year.
To get a feel of what events might look like, have a look at some of the galleries on the website. Don’t be too put off if all of the pictures look quite challenging terrain – they tend to make the best photos.
Are kids welcome?
We are a family friendly club. Children of all ages are welcome at all events, and are usually present.
What if I have never done any off-roading before?
If members come to a green lane that have never done off-roading before, they usually go into one group, and can have some quick tuition on how to use the controls, and some guidance on how to drive hazards. Likewise, never-off-roaders can also get some similar guidance at a playsite, following someone around at first, sitting in with someone else, or having someone talk them around for the first part of the day. Whilst members are not professional instructors, between them they have years and years of practical experience.
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 2367
Location: Three Legged Cross - Dorset.
Postcode for entrance: BH21 6SB
Click on map below for more detailed location
Type of Site: Some woodland, some hills, generally muddy, plus the old motorcross track.
Standard vehicles will be able to get round a fair amount of the site plus most of the motorcross track. Modified vehicles will have the challenge of various muddy sections and some tricky climbs through the woods.
Shiny vehicles can use the motorcross track without damage.
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- Written by: admin
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 4720
SaDLRC Committee 2024 - 2025
The committee is elected annually at the AGM, everyone stands down and can opt to re-stand for election if they wish. Any current member of the club can stand for any post by submitting a request to the Club Secretary in the month running up to the AGM which is next going to be held at the September 2025 Social Evening.
The rules of the Club mandate that we have a Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Chairman. The first two are voted for by the membership at the AGM and the latter is appointed from within the newly elected committee. Without people in these three roles the Club would cease to exist. If a role becomes vacant during a year the committee will request volenteers to fill the role.
Dave W |
Dave is one of our longest standing members and has long helped out with marshalling and leading on green lanes. Having been sorting his new house out he now has time to return and help the club move forward. |
Adrian |
Previously Vice Chair and now back in the role. |
Jackie |
Jackie joined the club and soon after was offering to help out more. She often runs and quiz and raffle at the social nights and offered to help more where needed. When our previous secretary retired, she was the natural choice for this vital role. |
Christine |
Dave C |
Fairly new to the club but wants to help which is always appreciated. Dave C will be looking after the play days for us going forward. |
Adrian |
Our longest serving green lanes leader stepped in to organise the green lane trips when the previous Lanes Officer retired. Has kept our lanes trips going when possible through Covid. |
PeterTony |
Peter and Tony have offered to help out with organising the club's attendance at events such as Romsey Show and Simply Land Rover. Both long term members. |
Steve |
Communications and Membership Secretary work hand in hand so when our previous Membership Secretary retired Steve offered to combine the roles. |
Tony |
Chief Marshal for many years, marshals at various national events. Longest serving full committee member. |
Julie |
Her excellent videos have been good promotion for the club so the committee invited her to share them officially on behalf of the club. |
Steve |
Has been off roading and playing with Land Rovers for decade, club member for 5 years. Has written laning routes in the past plus lead groups a lot also. Did a years PR on the committee now just taken over the communications role. |
Adrian |
Webmaster and FB admin, in role many years. Second generation Land-Rover owner, member for over a decade and been leading laning trips for many years. Been in IT support and web site development for 30 years. |
Long term member and some times leader on laning trips between organising events. Started getting new merchandise off the ground before he even got the role. |
Nigel |
Nigel combined the Rights Of Way and GLASS Rep roles together means he can better feedback details of recces to GLASS on behalf of the club. He also writes our green lane routes for us. |
Assisting The Committee |
Keith |
If you would like anything discussed at a committee meeting, please contact the secretary via
If you would like to join the committee, or would like to help out with a non-post holding sub-committee role, please contact the chairman at